About Us: It's important to understand the differences between Japanese Jujutsu, Brazilian Jiujitsu, European Jujitsu and American Jujitsu. It's quite a different art depending on where and whom one learns the from. The art can be use for "life and death" situations (military) as with American Jujitsu, in the streets for self defense (being attacked) Japanese Jujutsu, there is an entire sport aspect (competition) with European Jujitsu or recreation/sport (hobby) Brazilian Jiujitsu. The beauty of the art is that it adapts to any and all situations; stand up, throws, striking, joint locks, grappling, kicking, leg locks, chokes, armbars and so forth. Its all done depending on what one is looking for, the experience of the person performing the art, and lastly the knowledge of the instructor. For an example in American/European Jujitsu we spar in all facets of fighting, "phase 1"- stand-up; "phase 2" throwing; "phase 3" ground fighting.
What we teach:
American Jujitsu: Kaigan-Ryu (Instructor Course) has its roots in traditional styles of jujitsu.
Kaigan-Ryu Jujitsu, is a system Shihan Landolt founded in the the early 90's after 2 decades of Jujitsu/
Judo experience.. Kaigan-Ryu literally means "school by the sea," the focus of the art is to use jujitsu as
an adaptive response to any situation much like water can and does. The art is based on Yoshin-Ryu Jujutsu,
Koryu Jujutsu, and other systems including Kodokan Judo, Aiki-Jujitsu, Kyokushin
Karate, and Gracie Jiu-jitsu. The art uses the strengths of each system Shihan Landolt has studied,
while maintaining tradition and keeping what is practical for self-defense.The Kaigan-Ryu system is complex
and very demanding for anyone willing to train in the art. This enables the dojo sensei to explain to the student
why techniques came to be as they are and the philosophy surrounding the techniques’ creation and use.
Kaigan-Ryu Jujitsu was “nationally” accredited in 1998 and “internationally”accredited in 1999. The art provides
a comprehensive fighting system, as it remains well rounded for all aspects of fighting and effective use in today’s real life situations.
American Jujitsu: (Student Course) was first introduced in 1902 in the United States
in front of President Roosevelt by John J. O'Brien .The art was "first" taught to the public at a Judo/Jujitsu school
in Seattle Washington in 1903. The core of the art is Yoshin-Ryu Jujutsu, the art mainly focuses on the use of
throws and joint locking as a means of self defense. The concept is once an opponent is thrown hard to the ground
the finish should be easily obtained. Once the art left Japan it was not spelled the same, the “spelling” was changed
from "Jujutsu" to "Jiu-jitsu" because of the translation and finally "Jujitsu" in America to make the distinction
between the them. The art was brought to America with the military in mind. It was taught to the military in
America to help the soldiers with close combat training. The art experienced a huge surge at the turn of the 20th
century due to the fact that Jujitsu could also have many healthy benefits. American Jujitsu has elements of
Kodenkan Jujutsu, Okinawa Te, with a heavy influence from Judo.
Judo: (For everyone) Jigoro Kano needed to find a way to save old Jujutsu. In devising a different form of
Jujutsu due to the new law associated with the Samurai in the late 1800's, he came up with a safer way to free
practice or “randori,” and maintain the integrity of the art. Kano had studied several styles of Jujutsu and took
the strengths of each style to create his own unique brand of Jujutsu later named Judo. It was originally called
Kano Jiujitsu, later the art was renamed to Kano Judo and finallysimply Judo. It is essentially the “sport”
version of Jujutsu. By practicing Jujutsu in a controlled, safe envirnment for fun, it changed the way Jujutsu
was viewed. Kosen Judo (heavy ground emphasis) is the parent art of modern day Brazilian Jiu-jitsu from which
the art was created.
"American Jujitsu", was first introduced to the United States in 1902 by John J. O'Brien. He taught Jujitsu to President Theodore Roosevelt at the White House. The President was so impressed with the art that he had it implemented into the U.S. Military.
American Jujitsu has a rich history of being used for both military and law enforcement.
The art was taught used during WWI by the U.S.M.C. The specific Jujitsu used for the Marines was later named "Lightning Jujitsu".
The first school of American Jujitsu/Judo was opened in Seattle, Washington in 1903 by Yoshitsugu Yamashita, Sensei. After opening the dojo Yamashita became President T. Roosevelt's personal Jujitsu instructor. The President became a student of Jujitsu after he obtained a boxing injury to his eye and could no longer box. T.Roosevelt studied Jujitsu until he reached the rank of Black Belt.